Monday, March 8, 2010

bukan rezeki aku

i just finnished my mtc 038 final exam. Library and legal research. I rushed back to my room when the exam finnished. On the way back i called my dad. I told him what was happening on the examination hall. I almost cry when i spoke to him. Although the conversation only last less then a minutes. He gave me advice.

I was fucked up in the exam hall. Yes indeed the question is tough. Very hard to cmpare with past semester final exam. Hmm. The worst thng happen. I couldnt finnish my last essay. Damn. To make it even worst i did answer wrongly in question 2. 'Luckyly' i noticed my mistakes. But nothng much i can do. I dont have enough time.. Damn again. The answer inside my head but i did it wrongly. U know. Sesat. Jawab tak ikut soalan. Haih. And i did 'slash' my answer. I shouldnt do it. Haih. :-(

Dah la mula2 exam terus sakit perot. Memang tak focus and tergangu. Padahal pagi tadi dah buang siap2. Aku mmg kecewa teramat dgn prestasi aku utk paper ni. Tapi salah aku jugak tak outline ape nk tulis. Aduuhhh. Feel like haih. Target A kott. Tp after dah jwb if dpt B solid pon bersyukur. Berserah. Mungkin dah memang takde rezeki nk dpt A


anam khazali said...

kiwi...sabar lah weh,sume sama jer.haish..relax lah yer.adoii..

azmy shafiq said...

rilek laa braderr nk kalut apa
awal lg nk mngku kalah.rilekk

Rabiatul Adawiyah Sulaiman said...

I just hope to pass the paper. T___T

Rayme Lala said...

sabar la dude~ Tuhan nampak apa yang kita nampak. kalau kita berusaha lebih, adalah ganjaran nya. percayalah.

beruang said...

lex r angah..
lepak sude..
pancut pdg besaq dlu..
paper len kta adjuz len..