mari bermain layang layang. kalau nk diringkas kan jadi 'mari berlelayang'. bahasa ape ntah. haha. nowdays kat mana-mana pon boleh main layang-layang. dulu pon boleh sebenarnya. haha. hotspot untuk bermain layang-layang ialah di taman metropolitan kepong. kalau weekend confirm penuh. tambah tambah pulak klw petang.
nak di jadikan ceritanya last weekend i went there. together with my friend and my lil brother. three of us. i parked my car quite far from the location. as the parking was fulled.
bila dah sampai three of us try to search for the best spot to settle down. orang ramai yang teramat. but the best part is,it takes less then 5 minutes for all people to evacuate that place. how can that possible? the key is the heavy rain.
bila dah start hujan orang pon beransur pulang. hujan,lebat yang amat.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
coretan hidup ahmad faiz at 12:10 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
finally..... dapat pon update blog yang dah lama x di update. bahan untuk menaip tu sangat la banyak tapi malangnya.platform nak menaip tu tiada. cq40 milikku dah x boleh pakai. nk kene format dulu. entah bila la nk format. so buat sementara waktu laptop ayahanda akan digunakan.
coretan hidup ahmad faiz at 11:36 PM 1 comments
Saturday, March 20, 2010
oh cuti.
semua orang pon dah tahu. sekarang semua pelajar asasai uitm sedang bercuti. mungkin ada yang baru 3 hari dan mungkin ade yang dah nk masuk seminggu pon. mcm aku,kami pelajar part2 pre law PI 005. so, selamat bercuti lah. manfaatkan cuti anda sebaik baiknya dengan perkara yang berfaedah mahupun yang tidak berfaedah. haha. asalkan anda semua selamat. but better if uall spend your holiday wisely. prepare kan diri anda untuk semester tiga yang amat mencabar. aku dah survey dah senior2 part 3 sem ni. memang mencabar pon. subject makin tough. adess. macam manae la nk skor sem depan. harap2 pointer aku utk sem ni tak jatuh. so sem depan x payah la nk risau sgt pasal pointer. but still kene struggle la kan. em.
so,utk muet,aku tak prepare ape2 pon lagi. terlalu banyak bazir kan masa kt tido. sejujurnya,i dun like it either. the way i spent my time. mcm orang takde matlamat,tujuan. padahal aku ada. ihave a number of target to be achieved during this break. my first is to prepare my self for muet. yes. muet. this is the thing that alwyas bother me. always mingling in my brain. so band 5 huh.i need to spend n i will spend 3 hours a day with the exercise book n english newspaper. tell me if that is not enough. starting from monday. second is to gain my fitness back. i dun have any plan yet but ithink i will join my former school football team training. actually there are two more but i dont think that i will write it here since this laptop is in critical condition.
* if ade spelling error faham2 la ye. x dpt nk cek. screen laptop ni dah mcm lampu raya dah. kelip2. adess.
coretan hidup ahmad faiz at 9:28 PM 5 comments
Monday, March 8, 2010
bukan rezeki aku
i just finnished my mtc 038 final exam. Library and legal research. I rushed back to my room when the exam finnished. On the way back i called my dad. I told him what was happening on the examination hall. I almost cry when i spoke to him. Although the conversation only last less then a minutes. He gave me advice.
I was fucked up in the exam hall. Yes indeed the question is tough. Very hard to cmpare with past semester final exam. Hmm. The worst thng happen. I couldnt finnish my last essay. Damn. To make it even worst i did answer wrongly in question 2. 'Luckyly' i noticed my mistakes. But nothng much i can do. I dont have enough time.. Damn again. The answer inside my head but i did it wrongly. U know. Sesat. Jawab tak ikut soalan. Haih. And i did 'slash' my answer. I shouldnt do it. Haih. :-(
Dah la mula2 exam terus sakit perot. Memang tak focus and tergangu. Padahal pagi tadi dah buang siap2. Aku mmg kecewa teramat dgn prestasi aku utk paper ni. Tapi salah aku jugak tak outline ape nk tulis. Aduuhhh. Feel like haih. Target A kott. Tp after dah jwb if dpt B solid pon bersyukur. Berserah. Mungkin dah memang takde rezeki nk dpt A
coretan hidup ahmad faiz at 11:35 AM 5 comments