Thursday, February 18, 2010

home sweet home

no better place to shower beside own bathroom.
no better place to cook beside own kitchen
no better place to watch tv unless lean on the red carpet in front of the television.
no better food to eat unless home made udang tempura.
no better drinks unless iced milo made by me.
no better person to spent time with beside you.
no better television to watch raja lawak beside 32' sony bravia
but the most is no better person to share feeling beside you.


erinazrina said...


Amirah Ks said...


ahmad faiz said...

ape pergh?

Amirah Cantik said...

no better slippers to wear,especially the expensive one,use it to go to the toilet,except the one that ____ gave! HAHAHAAHHAHAHAAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!

lawaklaaa dooooo...hahaha

ahmad faiz said...

ape lawak lah?
slipar apa eh?

Amirah Ks said...

hahaha.. kentot gle AMIRAH x CANTIK

Amirah Cantik said...

KENTOT ke KANTOIII wehhh????

*gelak guling2

Amirah Cantik said...

KENTOT ke KANTOIII wehhh????

*gelak guling2

Amirah Ks said...

hahaha.. saba jela

ahmad faiz said...

ape ni x faham? haha slipa ape ni?