azrin osman atau lebih dikenali dengan pangilan king telah mengisytiharkan perang dengan aku. sebentar tadi beliau telah mengisytiharkan peperangan di ym. ngeh3. sedutan daripada titah perintah king osman. haha
Saturday, February 27, 2010
perang king dan kiwi
muhammad osman: wajib bwk kalo x x leh masuk blik
ahmadfaizrazali: toh la ang
muhammad osman: ***tat luuu
ahmadfaizrazali: panggil ustaz osman br hang tw
muhammad osman: lalala
muhammad osman: takat nak mgadu baik x yah jd anak jantan
muhammad osman: jom lawan exam kali ni laaa
muhammad osman: heheheh
ahmadfaizrazali: exam bila?
muhammad osman: sem 2
ahmadfaizrazali: carried mark bel aku rendah
muhammad osman: sama la aku pun
ahmadfaizrazali: toh laaa
ahmadfaizrazali: critical sume 19
muhammad osman: btoi la
muhammad osman: 260 aku
ahmadfaizrazali: aku due2 rendah
muhammad osman: blah la wei
ahmadfaizrazali: x prcye suda
muhammad osman: huhu
muhammad osman: buah yg x leh pcaya buah kiwi
dan aku menyahut cabaran daripada beliau. kita lihat pointer siapa lebih hebat sem ni.
ohh. untuk makluman pointer king semester lepas ialah 3.6 dan aku 3.4 sajoo. so berperang la kita. diingatkan supaya berperang dengan care yang sihat. i can do it bebeh
coretan hidup ahmad faiz at 1:36 AM 1 comments
Friday, February 19, 2010
tupah oh tupah
tadi petang pergi mandi tupah. saja nk release tension sebab dua test telah berlalu semalam. gerak naik 3 biji motor. tp pergi 2 trip. saving budget. haha. yang pergi kesemuanya ada 9 org. caex, ace, kiwi, bulan, king, bobo, audy n bear. (bukan nama sebenar) haha. penat lah nk cerita panjang2 tgk jela gambar.

audy sexy gilaaa. meleleh org kat sebelah sebelah tu tengok. haha
retarded. haha
so bila dah habis tu
semua penat dan lapar
kami pon singgah ke laila adila untuk mengisi
perot yang berkeroncong
kecuali beruang yang ada training rugby
tapi aku tak makan,milo suam menjadi peneman.
bungkus nasi bujang satu untuk dimakan kemudian.
duit elaun nak sampai dasar dah. haha
coretan hidup ahmad faiz at 9:05 PM 3 comments
Thursday, February 18, 2010
home sweet home
no better place to shower beside own bathroom.
no better place to cook beside own kitchen
no better place to watch tv unless lean on the red carpet in front of the television.
no better food to eat unless home made udang tempura.
no better drinks unless iced milo made by me.
no better person to spent time with beside you.
no better television to watch raja lawak beside 32' sony bravia
but the most is no better person to share feeling beside you.
coretan hidup ahmad faiz at 9:16 PM 10 comments
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
ranjau percintaan?
when i was first came here,when i knew my upu result last year i was like very blur. i dont have any knowledge about it,it also never caught my interest before. to be a lawyer have never been my ambition. if there was it is when i was in standard one or two, the time when i didn't know what is world and what is life really about.
but back then when i got this course i didn't know whether i'll go for this program or not. because i didn't know about it and i dont have any interest on it. but if i didn't go for this course where should i go to further my study? i don't want to burden my mum and my dad as we know IPTA is much cheaper then IPTS much cheaper. huh~
then i decided to go with the flow. i keep faith,this is the best for me from ALLAH s.w.t . and i need to do my best in order to be succeed in life and hereafter. ramai org ckp kita kena minat atau suka benda yg kita buat baru berkat dan mudah untuk berjaya. so,back then when i was in 1st sem when i was in my 1st class i need to give brief introduction about my self and why i choosing this course. so after i had introduced my self i said to the whole class that i'd never expect to got this course and never across my mind to be a legal practitioner,however i will learn to love this course and do my best to succeed.
then i learnt to love it and adopt with it until i want to be a legal practitioner and i really want it. ya allah tolonglah hambamu yang lemah ini. it is not an easy job though,i need to get CGPA above 3.00 and muet band 4. this is the requirement to further study in bls, bachelor in legal study. why there are hardship when i started to love,why there are many obstacle for me to achieved my dream. maybe simply because it is love and it is life..
dear friends,please pray for my success .
coretan hidup ahmad faiz at 4:00 AM 5 comments
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