Thursday, November 12, 2009

fossil brother

haa. ape tu 'self rewarding' ?? cari kt kamus sendiri la yeh. x kesah laa brand ape pon longman ke oxford ke sudah pasti maksudnya sama kan? td aku terasa mcm gila sebentar. Kebelakangan ini aku amat obses terhadap shades/sunglasses.

sebenarnya aku dah lama nk beli benda alah ni,tp xde kesempatan dari segi masa mahupun kewangan. tp kewangan aku bukan la kukuh sgt. cukop2 je nk beli. so i must have a good reasons atleast to my self why i should have one right? but actually i have plenty of reasons. quite. :D tapi x tahulah if all those reasons x munasabahkan.

ha.. but if all those reasons x munasabah I still have one good reason(really concrete) why i should spend on something,not necessarily shades/sunglasses. it could be other stuff.

the reasons was, i felt i should reward myself of my achievement. yeah, my achievement. who did u think should reward me if not myself. so, i buy that sunglass as a present for me. haha. quite weird. but thats the way to do it. this what people called self rewarding. this self rewarding will encourage me to achieve my target. but although i didn't achieved my target but i almost did. so i reward myself in order to re-encourage myself to achieved my target in future

so td dengan rasminya aku telah membeli benda alah ini. ini merupakan shades/sunglasses /cermin mata gelap yang pertama aku beli dengan duit sendiri. bergetar jugak la time nk bayar tuu. hihi. agak nervous

u dont have to wonder what is my achievement cz i'll tell you later.

Friday, November 6, 2009

arak itu halal

lately ni aku slalu la lepakk dengan kawan . then one day(hari tesebut terpaksa dirahsiakan) aku terdengar(terdengar la sangat) ade satu brader ni cakap' semalam termabukkan'. sambil tergelak - gelak. nampak sangat dah selalu minum sbb slalu minum tak mabuk tp out of sudden semalam termabuk. mmg si polan ni kuat tongang pon. slalu pergi club,perempuan,pendek kata sangat sosial. biasalah melayu kaya.aku bukan nak melabel melayu yang berada/kaya ni berpenyakit sosial dan berperangai seperti ini. tidak.

ada lagi kisah tentang si melayu. hidup di universiti memang bebas bukan? freedom yg dicari sejak di sekolah menengah lagi. tp ade yang terkejot beruk dan tidak dapat menyesuaikan diri daripada kebebasan terlampau ini dan mula berjinak jinak dengan air kencing syaitan ni. mula-mula masok club. pastu mula la start memerah pundi kecing syaitan. mase mula-mula minom botol hijau je. dah lame sikit upgrade la lagi. macam-macam jenis ada. aku penah tengok dengan mata kepala sendiri. aku tahu jugak la sikit2. botol hijau tu kire paling busuk laa. ade lagi mahal,beratus-ratus. duit PT habis kat situ jee. yelah mane tak nye. tengah seronok, taksedar tu nak kene bayar balik. sekali lagi aku bukan nk melabel yg masok club itu semuanya tongang. tp kebanyakkan nye macam tulah.

ada jugak yang tak masok club minum. masa zaman sekolah dulu ade schoolmate aku dah mula berjinak-jinak dengan alcohol ni. arak murah je cap ape ntah dah lupe.thai song kot. bayangkan umur 15-16 tahun dah pandai tongang. hebatkan? jadi kau sebagai seorang melayu lagi islam bangga tak?

hemm. melayu melayu
kalaw dah nama melayu & islam buat la cara melayu,islam. jangan nak buat selamba adab je nk buat suka hati kau macam takde hari pengadilan.

so sapa yang ada adik tu yang cepat terpengaruh tu selalu-selalu la memantau gerak geri adik anda sebelum terlamabat.kepada sesiapa yang meneguk benda haram ni insaflah. dari bazir duit beratus-ratus baikla kau belanje aku. daripada kau minum air kecing syaitan tu baikla kau minom air kencing sendiri. test ape rase. renung-renungkan

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

law abiding citizen

law abiding citizen was fucking awesome.

haha. siang td tgk dengan benjot,ben,idong n pesol.
five of us.
accoring to our plan i shud be there at 11. bt i woke up around 1 in the evening . so fucking panctual right. so ble dah habis en,aku cm paused jap. trying to figure about how my future will be.

Clyde Shelton is an upstanding family man whose wife and daughter are brutally murdered during a home invasion. When the killers are caught, Nick Rice, a hotshot young Philadelphia prosecutor, is assigned to the case. Over his objections, Nick is forced by his boss to offer one of the suspects a light sentence in exchange for testifying against his accomplice. Fast forward ten years. The man who got away with murder is found dead and Clyde Shelton coolly admits his guilt. Then he issues a warning to Nick: Either fix the flawed justice system that failed his family, or key players in the trial will die. Soon Shelton follows through on his threats, orchestrating from his jail cell a string of spectacularly diabolical assassinations that can be neither predicted nor prevented. Philadelphia is gripped with fear as Shelton's high-profile targets are slain one after another and the authorities are powerless to halt his reign of terror. Only Nick can stop the killing, and to do so he must outwit this brilliant sociopath in a harrowing contest of wills in which even the smallest misstep means death. With his own family now in Shelton's crosshairs, Nick finds himself in a desperate race against time facing a deadly adversary who seems always to be one step ahead.

two thumbs up for F. Gary Gray
tengok jgn tak tengok. haha,